RGM Global Ventures
RGM Global Ventures develops global indices and correlations for any commodity index (for example USDE100 index). The company is international and operates in Belgium, Germany, the Middle East & USA.
The president of the company is Mr. Ran Gorenstein, one of the world's most famous diamondmen, and the holder of a Guinness record for the enigma which is the largest polished diamond in the world. The Enigma (containing 55 facets and weighing in at 555.55 carats) was commissioned and inspired by Mr. Gorenstein.
The company's chief scientist and Vice President for research & development is Dr. Michael Mann, one of Ieading AI experts, and a researcher in mathematical optimization and network analysis algorithms.
Our Services
RGM Global ventures develops global indices and correlates to the USDE-100 index which is the only diamond index in the world with Benchmark Regulation (BMR - link).
Research & Development
Our chief scientist and VP for research & development Dr. Michael Mann (PhD), performs unique optimization research that deals with optimization methods for creating correlations to financial indices.
Disaster Recovery
Our patented technology is able to protect against global and financial disasters. For more information please enter your details on the contact page.
Business collaborations &
The USDE100 has been designed to capture the global market of cut and polished wholesale diamond industry based on sales volume. So USDE100 could form the basis of any market place and ETFs
Optimization research which deals with optimization methods in network analysis and correlations to financial indices by network analysis tools.
Support Consulting
For advice and support and any other Business collaborations, you are invited to contact us on the contact page below. We have financial and economic collaborations with the leading economic firms in the world.